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Participate in an Experiment

The official application form, which can be found online, („Antrag auf Genehmigung der Absolvierung einer berufsorientierten/facheinschlägigen Praxis”) must be filled out and submitted the dean’s office before participating in an experiment. Without the dean’s approval students cannot not take part in any experiments. The person leading the experiment is obliged to make sure there is an approval for the credits.

Only full ECTS-credits can be accounted for. Spliting EEs and achieving parts of ECTS credit points is not possible.

Only students from the Humanities faculty can be granted to have their practical efforts accounted for in ECTS credits. Applications for Curricular outside of the faculty are subject to different directives and administrative procedures and restrictions.

Confirmations and certificates other than the official form („Antrag auf Genehmigung der Absolvierung einer berufsorientierten/facheinschlägigen Praxis”) cannot be accepted.


  1. The student applies for the practical work with the official form „Antrag auf Genehmigung der Absolvierung einer berufsorientierten/facheinschlägigen Praxis”. The following information is crucial:
    • The students name and personal data
    • Check off the following Paragraph: „Ich beantrage die Genehmigung zur Absolvierung einer berufsorientierten Praxis gem. § 10 Abs. 3 des Satzungsteils Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen (freies Wahlfach),“
    • „Karl-Franzens-Universität, Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz“ in the field „Betrieb/Bezeichnung und Anschrift“
    • Contact information of the experiment leader
    • Duration and extent of the practical work in working hours per week
    • Description: “Teilnahme an LingLab Praxis 1,2 oder 3” or “Unterstützung bei Durchführung eines LingLab-Experiments” (depending if you conduct a or participate in an experiment) and give the name of the experiment leader again
    • Students signature on the bottom of the form
  2. Submit the form at the GEWI-Dekanat (Humanities Dean’s Office). Here, the application will be validated and approved. This may take a week. You will be informed when the approved application is ready to be picked up.
  3. Participation in or cooperation on conduction of the experiment.
  4. Confirmation of Participation by the experiment leader on page three of the form „Antrag auf Genehmigung der Absolvierung einer berufsorientierten/facheinschlägigen Praxis”
  5. The student submits the completed form at the dean’s office.
  6. The achieved credits are registered into the online system (UGO) by the dean’s office. You’re list of completed courses will read: „LingLab Praxis Teilnahme 1-3“ or „Unterstützung bei Durchführung eines LingLab Experiments“
  7. With your participation you will get one or up to three passing grades in the category “Fachprüfungen”. If needed, you may print out your grades and use them at your disposal.



Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.

Victor Edgar Onea Gaspar

Institut für Germanistik
Phone:+43 316 380 - 2633

Tatjana Hopfer


Institut für Germanistik

Phone:+43 316 380 - 8177

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